Mar 23 2006

Dung Mummy Pix

Although I had no idea at the time, Jason Savvy (aka Monkey Wrench) was snapping pix while I was performing. He was kind enough to post them, and share them with the performers.

In the dark, wrapped around the gretsch

Wailing on the Indy Rail

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Dung Mummy Pix”

  1. Marvin Wolffon 23 Mar 2006 at 11:12 am

    Great photos of you at work. I am not able to really tune in to the music as much as I would like to do. Thank you for sharing this with me. All my love to Shari, Lauren, and You. Dad.

  2. Sander Roscoe Wolff » Dung Mummyon 30 Mar 2006 at 3:25 am

    […] The previous weekend I went to the park with my family and videotaped a number of things, mostly moving water in various settings. I created a 25 minute DVD that was projected during my performance. The room was dark, except for the glow of the projection, and the audience was attentive. I was focused on playing but, at one point, I looked up and saw everyone listening raptly. Some had their eyes closed, some were watching the projection, and some were watching me. […]

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