Apr 11 2008

The Poem Will Save You: A conversation with Raindog

Published by at 7:14 pm under audio tracks,Interview,Uncategorized,Video

Raindog Armstrong is a poet, publisher, and pied piper for poetry. With his Lummox Press, he published the Lummox Journal as a monthly magazine, which showcased artists from around the country, and around the world. Publishing both poetry and in-depth interviews, the Journal has now moved onto the internet. This has freed him, at last, to publish the first of several volumes of his own work, the first of which is called Fire & Rain. It reaches back to some of his earliest work, and spans nearly 15 years of creativity.

Raindog joined me for a free wheeling, and wide ranging, conversation that includes three poetry recitations, discussions of 9/11, and his past and future musical efforts. It is 50 minutes of honest talk with one of our fair City’s creative icons.

If you can’t commit to listening to an hour-long conversation, you can hear all three of his poems:


Traveling Man (an homage to Charles Kuralt)

The Poem Will Save You

Also, you can see a brief video of Raindog reciting Eyes Like Mingus:

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “The Poem Will Save You: A conversation with Raindog”

  1. Linda Lerneron 13 Apr 2008 at 2:21 am

    Good reading of a poem of yours I’ve always liked. I didn’t know the background explanation, so glad that yu provided it.

  2. kkleskoon 13 Apr 2008 at 6:47 pm

    Very nicely presented. A good tribute and backgroun give it even more depth.
    Your voice works well on audio readings which adds to the insights of
    the words/feelings.

    Best Wishes, Kay

  3. muttering bumon 14 Apr 2008 at 8:01 am

    dear raindog, simply beautiful. i really dig your poems. can’t wait for more. see you at the bar!

  4. Brian Morriseyon 14 Apr 2008 at 10:36 am

    I think it was one of the first poems POESY ran of yours. It is a gem of a poem! Always enjoy hearing you read it.

  5. Toron 14 Apr 2008 at 3:43 pm

    Neat stuff. The backstory on ‘Eyes like Mingus’ is part of the poetry, gives clarity and vivid purpose to the piece. Love the reality of your dogs tapping nails in the background! imperfect perfection.

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